We have a pool of top professional remote freelancers from all over the world. We make sure there is always availability of these top professionals on ad-hoc basis as per need.
We take clients' requirements. Match in our pool. If needed, reach out to our external resources for finding better profiles. We submit our shortlisted, interviewed candidates' profiles with clients.
We allow our clients to interview the shortlisted candidates. If requested by clients, our senior tech leadership can also conduct the interview with our clients, or provide consultancy at no additional cost.
Clients make offer to the freelancer via us. We prepare basic draft contract for clients to submit to the freelancer. Clients also have an opportunity to directly deal with it without us.
We get paid when you successfully hire a freelancer—no extra or hidden fees. Once the hiring is complete, all paperwork is handed over to you. We also offer long-term support.
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